You can see the rain on the back of these people's necks! Woo Hoo, it was fun though jumping up and down in the rain, the warm summery downpour, bass reverberating through your sternum.
(Bit busy with the daily slog at the moment, I'm behind in blogging!)
cool! I miss doing that in UK where I use to do while I was studying day. I did catch rain once in malaysia watching HK singer Cheong Hor Yau. It is fun.
At least your summery downpour was warm - it's rainy and chilly over here! brrrrr!
Hello BBO and wokandspoon! Unusual experience for me as this is the first time I've been to a concert in the UK, and I've been here a long time. I'm not sure it was warm but it was bearable. Have a good weekend:)
I miss going for concerts too! The last one I remember is David Bowie in Munich, 2002. Can it be five years already? Gosh...
Never been to one in the rain though. Looks fun lah...
P.S. Don't worry about being too busy to blog regularly --- me too! :P
It happens, we just come back to it when we can... In the meantime, Life comes first! :)
Dear Msiagirl,
I thought Kenny had written, "P.S. Don't worry about being too busy to blog regularly for me". How silly of me?
Many years ago, for my husband's birthday I bought tickets to two of his bands, Ottmar Liebert. I think one of the ladies got a little high. She went up the stage and started to dance with the music until the bodyguard has to escort her away.
A concert in the rain sounds wonderful, dahlink. We're always looking out for good concerts to catch when we're travelling, but I think September in London is pretty quiet. I guess I shall just have to make do with your company...and silence....although putting you and silence in one sentence is too ridiculous! :-P Even our regular yahoo chat sessions oso got no pauses one. LOL.
Hey there folks!!
Kenny:I know there's so much to blog about - but - I have to spend my whole week mixing potions for a promo evening next Friday. Wish me luck!
lee ping: hee hee of course he'd never say that! It was way too wet for anything much to happen except for jumping up and down in wellies and drinking large paper cups of hot choc!
LL: hahaha yeah if we were in the same room, it sure would not be silent! There's lots to do here in Sept - we will find something good. ooh hope you can come for at least a few days.
Dear Msiagirl,
You might like my latest article. It is about Lavender. If you have time, check it out. Let me know what you think...
Thanks lee ping! I have checked out your very nice pics and post on the lake and Lavender. Left U a long comment - and I will post on differing essential oils of lavender and their uses soon.
Ye know, rain bath is better than some bubble soupy bath in a club hehe :P Thx for the well wishes on my blog . Have a pleasant week now, cheers !:)
Meltingwok: I hope you are now eating something very delicious in Malaysia:) sigh wistfully
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